Malinois Puppy and Dog Information

Posted by GOO | Posted in , | Posted on 11:15

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The Belgian Malinois is a large intelligent dog that needs a lot of space. They are not suitable for an apartment, because they must give due in large fenced enclosures, is exercised by them. This is an elegant, well-muscled dog, intelligent and eager to work. Will be the protection of the family and a great guard dog. Are good with older children, but can not be good friends with your children. Just a reminder, do not leave any child with a dog or an uncontrolled> Dog for a long period. It is not possible for the other dogs and other pets can often be socialized to accept them.

* Approximate Adult Size. The approximate adult size (two years or more male Malinois) is about 24-26 cm at the withers (the highest point of the shoulder) and weighs about 65-75 pounds. Females are about 22 to 24 cm tall and weigh about 55-65 pounds.

* Special Considerations of health. All dogsBreeds have certain inherited health problems associated with that specific breed and the Belgian Malinois is no exception. Look for epilepsy (common in dogs) eye problems, dog hip dysplasia (genetic based looseness in the hip joints, which may, arthritis and lameness) and excessive shyness.

* Maintenance. The Belgian Malinois is a simple, short hair. You should rarely, as this strips her coat be wet their protective oils. They should be brushed at least once a week. She is aLight shedder and brushing will help your home without hair. Brush will help to maintain a clean and healthy coat and also help to maintain a closer eye on her health and strengthen your emotional bond with your pet.

The teeth should be brushed at least twice a week with toothpaste and toothbrush designed for dogs. Brushing removes plaque and calculus, cavities (rarely), lead and periodontitis. Dog periodontal disease can, can lead to pain,Loss of teeth, bad breath and other serious illnesses.

The nails need to look for growth and cut regularly. Toenails grow more slowly than the rear claws of the forelegs. In general, a guillotine type trimmer is the best for this task and competent instructions to accomplish this can be found on the Internet.

* Lifetime. This can be 12 to 14 years of life with an adequate diet, medical care and the good living conditions.

* History. BelgianMalinois is a variety of Belgian Shepherd dog from Belgium. The American Kennel Club recognized this breed July 10, 1990. Today, these dogs will be for military and police work because they are fast learners, willing to work, intelligent and aggressive.

Some are:

American Club Malinois

* UKC United Kennel Club

* NKC National Kennel Club

* CKC Continental Kennel Club

* APRI Americas Pet Registry Inc.

* AKC AmericanKennel Club

* FCI Federation Internationale Cynologique

* NZKC New Zealand Kennel Club

* = KCGB Kennel Club of Great Britain

* ANKC = Australian National Kennel Club

* ACR = American Canine Registry

Litter size: 6 to 10 puppies Malinois.

Category: Herding, Sheepdog Family

Described in terms: Elegant, well muscled, proud, obedient, faithful,


Very clever.

Low maintenancerequired.

Responds well to commands.

Good with children of the family.

Watchdog well.

Watchdog well.


It can be very aggressive.

Owners should be the owner of a dog expert.

It can be good friends with your children.

Need for proper training early to curb aggression.

* Other names known: Malinois, Chien de Berger Belge

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